Science Books

Books on Science


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    Non-Fiction Books

    2 visitors recommend:
    Measuring America: How an Untamed Wilderness Shaped the United States and Fulfilled the Promise of Democracy
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Andro Linklater
    This author argues that American freedom and democracy was as much, or more, a product of a particular way of measuring land than a result of revolutionary spirit.
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    1 visitors recommend:
    Science and the Founding Fathers
    Source: Amazon
    Author: I. Bernard Cohen
    Learn the role of "science in the political thought of Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison." As men of the Enlightenment, the Founding Fathers used scientific analogies and theorems when discussing politics. (1997)
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    2 visitors recommend:
    Scientific American
    Source: Magazine City
    "Scientific American lets you meet the scientists whose work is at the forefront, pioneers who are changing our lives, and changing our world. Every issue brings you the latest breakthroughs in technology, energy, the environment, economics, and more."
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