Travel Books

Books on Travel


  • Books

    Coffee Table Books

    4 visitors recommend:
    Maine: The Seasons
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Terrell S. Lester, Ann Beattie, and Richard Ford
    State: ME
    From an Amazon reader: "On the recommendation of a friend, my wife and I stumbled into a photo gallery in Deer Isle, Maine, last week during our vacation (we are from New York) to see the work of Terrell Lester, not even aware Knopf had recently published this book. We were, in short, completely blown away by his photos, all of which, and more, are collected in this remarkable book." (2001)
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    3 visitors recommend:
    Seasons of Maine
    Source: Amazon
    Author: William and Jean Hubbell
    State: ME
    "If you want to know where to go, and the special places to see in Maine, this book will serve as an inspiration for the unconventional traveller. It captures with its beautiful photography and concise, evocative prose the essence of all that the state has to offer." (2001)
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    1 visitors recommend:
    The Beauty of Vermont
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Tom Slayton (editor)
    State: VT
    From an Amazon reader: "As a frequent tourist to the Green Mountain State, I found this book to be a fantastic collection of all the reasons I continue to come back year after year. Gorgeous, stunning photography of the four best reasons to visit Vermont -- summer, winter, spring and fall. Not to be overlooked, though, is the captivating and conversational prose by Vermont Life Editor, Tom Slayton." (1998)
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    Non-Fiction Books

    5 visitors recommend:
    McCarthy's Bar: A Journey of Discovery in the West of Ireland
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Pete McCarthy
    Country: Ireland
    "McCarthy, writer and performer of the BBC series 'Desperately Seeking Something,' is a worthy addition to the ranks of P.J. O'Rourke, Bill Bryson and Peter Mayle ... he travels around the south and west of Ireland on a quasi-pilgrimage culminating in a visit to Lough Derg, an ancient penitential retreat." --Publishers Weekly (2001)
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    3 visitors recommend:
    Main Streets & Back Roads of New England: The Best of Chronicle's Award-Winning WCVB-TV Series
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Susan Sloane and Chris Stirling
    City: Boston, State: MA
    A collection of stories on New England towns, from "Chronicle" on Boston's channel 5. (October 2001)
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    Reference Works

    2 visitors recommend:
    Off the Leash: Subversive Journeys Around Vermont
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Helen Husher
    State: VT
    "Husher is not your usual travel writer. Instead, she looks beyond typical tourist attractions and sees interest in all sorts of off-the-beaten-path places. Although Vermont is full of historical sites, Husher seems to appreciate settings with a more subtle, perhaps even more profound, resonance. Her journeys take readers to the Donohue Sea Caves near Burlington, to fireworks displays in Randolph, and to Lake Champlain, where sightings of a water monster engage the imaginations of many of the folks who venture there." --Booklist (1999)
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    1 visitors recommend:
    Vermont: An Explorer's Guide
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Christina Tree and Peter S. Jennison
    State: VT
    "Useful and interesting ... Tree and Jennison's history of the state ... includes a wealth of information that broadens your knowledge of Vermont's history, politics, industry, and cultural background." -- Valley News, Lebanon, NH (1999)
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    1 visitors recommend:
    Longstreet Highroad Guide To The Vermont Mountains
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Nancy Bazilchuk and Rick Strimbeck
    State: VT
    From an Amazon reader: "An excellent resource for both Vermont mountain enthusiasts and Vermont residents who want to learn more about their beautiful state. Nancy Bazilchuk and Rick Strimbeck provide more than 50 helpful and original maps, as well as detailed trail descriptions and extensive info on the natural history, geology, flora, and fauna of hundreds of gorgeous mountain sites." (1999)
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    0 visitors recommend:
    Roadside Geology of Vermont and New Hampshire
    Source: Amazon
    Author: Bradford B. Van Diver
    State: VT
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    4 visitors recommend:
    Down East magazine
    Source: Magazine City
    State: ME
    Features and photographs that capture the essence of the state of Maine. Includes tips on hikes, inns, activities, eateries, festivals and shows, and more.
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    1 visitors recommend:
    Travel 50 and Beyond magazine
    Source: Magazine City
    Advice for travelers over age 50. Covers worldwide vacation destinations as well as the humorous, poignant, romantic and adventurous aspects of travel.
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    1 visitors recommend:
    Chicago magazine
    Source: Magazine City
    City: Chicago, State: IL
    The magazine devoted to the personalities, politics, trends, culture, and history of our city.
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    0 visitors recommend:
    Yankee magazine
    Source: Magazine City
    State: MA
    Yankee brings you articles on the home, cooking and travel, as well as fiction, art and history. Each issue includes Great New England cooks, Yankee's Home Companion, House for Sale, Plain Talk, Traveler's Journal and more.
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    0 visitors recommend:
    Midwest Living magazine
    Source: Magazine City
    City: Chicago, State: IL
    Features Midwestern travel, sports and recreation, culture and history, and more.
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    0 visitors recommend:
    Boston magazine
    Source: ValueMags
    City: Boston, State: MA
    Boston's culture, history, and lifestyle magazine.
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