Political History History

Political History History



    Articles, Essays

    21 visitors recommend:
    A More Perfect Union: The Creation of the U.S. Constitution
    Source: NARA
    Author: Roger A. Bruns
    An in-depth look at the Constitutional Convention and the ratification process.
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    10 visitors recommend:
    Gadsden flag history
    The fascinating story of the Gadsden flag, the defiant "Don't Tread on Me" rattlesnake symbol of American independence and freedom.
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    Online Exhibits

    11 visitors recommend:
    Churchill: The Evidence
    Source: Churchill Archives Centre
    Country: United Kingdom
    A great collection of documents and text on a dozen Churchill topics, such as "the young radical" and "the tide of victory."
    Would you recommend this to other visitors?

    9 visitors recommend:
    Declaring Independence: Drafting the Documents
    Source: Library of Congress
    The stories and images of the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. A terrific online exhibit from the Library of Congress.
    Would you recommend this to other visitors?

    8 visitors recommend:
    The Bill of Rights: High-resolution scan
    Source: NARA
    A 339KB high-resolution version of the original 1789 Bill of Rights amended to the U.S. Constitution.
    Would you recommend this to other visitors?

    6 visitors recommend:
    The U.S. Constitution: High-resolution scan
    Source: NARA
    A 130KB high-resolution version of the original 1787 U.S. Constitution.
    Would you recommend this to other visitors?

    4 visitors recommend:
    Charters of Freedom
    Source: NARA
    "Each year more than a million visitors come to the Rotunda of the National Archives to see our Charters of Freedom: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Although there is no substitute for an actual visit, this exhibit will allow you to study the documents in greater detail than is possible for the rotunda visitor."
    Would you recommend this to other visitors?

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