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  • History
      • People
              • Transportation
              • Travel (1)

                  Urban History

                  6 visitors recommend:
                  NYC tenement museum would oust residents
                  Source: Boston Globe
                  City: New York, State: NY
                  The museum that preserves the Lower East Side's immigrant history is seeking to expand ... by evicting current residents. (4/22/02)
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                  Family, Culture

                  4 visitors recommend:
                  Jefferson heirs want eternal separation from slave's kin
                  Source: Chicago Tribune
                  Thomas Jefferson's heirs are proposing the creation of a separate cemetery on the grounds of Monticello for the descendants of slave Sally Hemings, but aren't ready to let her offspring into the family association. (4/20/02)
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                  9 visitors recommend:
                  Wreck identified as historic New England steamship
                  Source: Hartford Courant/Yahoo
                  City: Boston, State: ME
                  Researchers have identified the wreck of the steamship Portland on the ocean floor north of Cape Cod, ending 104 years of mystery and speculation about New England's worst sea disaster.
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                  6 visitors recommend:
                  Landmark tavern renewed
                  Source: Cincinnati Post
                  City: New York, State: NY
                  The Fraunces Tavern restaurant has witnessed history. It was used as a meeting place for the Sons of Liberty before the Revolutionary War, by the British during their occupation, and most recently, it witnessed the World Trade Center tragedy. (3/06/02)
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