Genealogy Non-Fiction Books

Genealogy Non-Fiction Books


  • Many Time Periods (6)

          Many Time Periods

          2 visitors recommend:
          The Complete Idiot's Guide to Genealogy
          Source: Christine Rose and Kay Germain Ingalls
          Five stars at Amazon.
          Would you recommend this to other visitors?

          2 visitors recommend:
          Netting Your Ancestors: Genealogical Research on the Internet
          Source: Amazon
          Author: Cyndi Howells
          Cyndi is famous for her "Cyndi's List" Web site. She's an expert on using the Web for genealogical research.
          Would you recommend this to other visitors?

          2 visitors recommend:
          Organizing Your Family History Search
          Source: Amazon
          Author: Sharon DeBartolo Carmack
          One of the most popular guides.
          Would you recommend this to other visitors?

          2 visitors recommend:
          Genealogy Starter Kit
          Source: Amazon
          Author: William Dollarhide
          The second edition of a concise, simple handbook.
          Would you recommend this to other visitors?

          1 visitors recommend:
          First Steps in Genealogy: A Beginner's Guide to Researching Your Family History
          Source: Desmond Walls Allen
          A highly recommended place to start if you're new to family-tree research.
          Would you recommend this to other visitors?

          1 visitors recommend:
          Unpuzzling Your Past
          Source: Amazon
          Author: Emily Anne Croom
          Five stars on Amazon. This very popular introduction is now in its fourth edition.
          Would you recommend this to other visitors?

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